Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Thank you for visiting. The name of my blog comes from a large wall of pines that surrounds my 3 acres of property. I’m not sure if it meant to keep the craziness out or in. Secluded in my fortress with an army of family I try to serve my King. He is a just Lord, in whom I am honored to do His work. Of course it is the Creator of whom I speak, my Father in heaven. I believe the work He is calling me to do is to write a book of Christian fiction. This is more than a little daunting for me, some times I feel like I could benefit from English as a Second Language class. My strengths were always on the math and logic side of the brain. I remember entering college in 79 and for my English class the instructor wanted 1000 word paper on “why”. I had never written a 100 word paper before. I resisted the urge to write “why not” 500 times. I wrote 1000 words, all run on sentences, as I pored all my unfocused thoughts out to fill the required pages. The instructor filled the first paragraph with red ink correcting my poor grammar and spelling and gave up after that. The grade of D on the paper was a gift that he repeated on every paper I turned in. I have written a little since then but still struggle, pecking with two fingers at my keyboard. I have turned to any aid I can think of for help. I walk with a recorder and dictate my story to myself. My laptop has the voice recognition software that I had to train to find my words. When all is said and done nothing will do the work for me. The only way to learn to write is to write. I am surprised by the difficulty it takes to knock out a chapter. In my head the story flows, the drama builds and I have even wept for my characters. I believe I have a good story in my head and only perseverance will get it out. I do not believe I would continue if I didn’t believe it was His will.

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