Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Balanced Church

We had a men’s group bible study and discussed war in the spiritual realm. The point was if we really understood the power the good news reveals to us a Christians we would spend more time in fervent prayer. In America we consider ourselves scientifically advanced and we have a tendency to look down or dismiss the spiritual world. In Africa and South American miracles are more acceptable. (I know it is weird to think of ourselves as not open to miracles) I believe this void in American Christians is what God addresses when His Spirit inspired the Charismatic movement.
The Charismatic movement was a change across multiple denominations towards an emphasis on the Holy Spirit in action in today’s church. Another more recent multi-denominational movement is the Emergent church movement. It also springs from a void in the American churches. I’m no theologian or Emergent expert but it is my understanding is that the efforts of evangelicals are too cerebral. Evangelicals primarily wish to pass on the good news by word of mouth. The Emergent church wants to show God’s love through action in the community (mission field) in which God has us currently within.
Both of these movements have spoke to me about voids in my walk. I was thinking what other voids I might have that God could reveal to me. I thought if I could graphically represent these ideas I would have revelations. The first thought was to start with my nature as a triune being. I believe this is what God meant when he said we are created in his image. I have a mind, body and spirit just as God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are two ways the goods news affects us. It refines and improves us personally and it draws us to improve the world He created for us. The inner ring representing our inward improvement and the change God works to give us a life with joy and purpose. The outer ring represents our spreading God’s love and being the shining light in a dark world.

With this drawing I realize that both Charismatic and Emergent movements are based on the nature of Americans being more comfortable with an emphasis on the intellectual. The second realization is that there is nothing wrong with having strength in bible study and spreading the Gospel as long as the other aspects of our calling is not ignored. There must be a balance between these three aspects in our inner growth and our outreach. Somewhat comically I have answered some who have asked what denomination I am that I am a Catholic, Baptist, Charismatic, Emergent Nazarene. More serious I consider myself a Christian because there is only one Church. The opportunities God has given me to be a part of a variety of great Christian churches is that I have come to realize the good Churches understand not only their strengths but the balance required in their teachings. I have been blessed to belong to a Baptist church that taught that the bible needed to be read with an open heart to the Holy Spirit for guidance. I have been blessed with belonging to a Charismatic church that understood that the emotional high of praise and worship had to be grounded in regular bible reading. As Christians we need to understand the balance that God wants in our walk and help lead our churches in a balanced outreach.

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